Cultivating curiosity, poetry, audacity and sharing: this is the mission of the baroque ensemble La Palatine. This “instrumental and vocal string quartet” takes its place under the sparkling and quirky figure of the Princess Palatine, the truculent sister-in-law of the Sun King. Specialising in the French and Italian repertoires of the 17th century, they are keen to touch the audience directly with the colours and expressiveness of their interpretations. Passionate about the dialogue between the arts, La Palatine conceives its concerts as true spectacles full of life and fantasy.
Created in 2019, the young ensemble performs in numerous festivals such as the Ambronay Festival, Embaroquement Immédiat, the York Early Music Festival and Mars en Baroque. La Palatine is a laureate of the International H.IF.Biber Competition (Austria) where it won the F.J. Aumann prize for new discoveries in baroque music. A member of the European Eeemerging + programme, the latter revealed the ensemble at the Ambronay Festival 2021. La Palatine is also supported by the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles and the Royaumont Foundation.
In 2022, La Palatine recorded its first album for the Ambronay Editions label.