Centre culturel de rencontre d’Ambronay

The Ambronay Cultural Encounter Centre (Ambronay CCR) was born from the convergence of a collective adventure, an aesthetic movement - early music - echoing the changes in society at the time, and an emblematic heritage to be safeguarded, Ambronay Abbey.

Centre culturel de rencontre d’Ambronay


The Ambronay CCR is a project and a place of hospitality and encounter for artists and people, where music dialogues with the transformations of society.


Thus, located on the site of the Abbey, the Ambronay Cultural Encounter Centre is a place of heritage driven by an artistic and cultural project. It offers a range of activities based on early music and live performances, thus enhancing the value of this historic monument.

  • A festival that welcomes stars and new talents in early music and world music. Each year, there are nearly 100 events, 35 concerts, 18,000 tickets sold in a month.
  • Long-term projects in the Ain region that bring together artists and school groups, associations, amateur musicians, social centres, etc.
  • Events open to all audiences: workshops, impromptus, public rehearsals, professional meetings… even an Escape game!
  • The promotion of an historic monument: tours of the Abbey for young and old, a research committee, a record label made in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes that is exported internationally.
  • Associated artists who create and work within its walls. With all these artists in residence at the Ambronay CCR, Ambronay supports all kinds of projects in the local area.
  • Corporate sponsors support all these activities, and others benefit from a privileged setting for their seminars.


What Ambronay does specifically within EEEMERGING+


Ambronay is the leader of the EEEMERGING+ cooperation since the previous eeemerging scheme.

Ambronay hosts 6 residencies every year, and organizes trainings regarding administration, communication and promotion, artistic identity…

The EEEMERGING+ festival and assembly take place in Ambronay every year at the beginning of October, during the Ambronay Festival.


Ambronay organizes the bi-annual EEEMERGING+ Academy. Since its creation in 1993, the Academy has been an important step in the development of young European artists at the beginning of their careers.






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