We have news from the Consone Quartet!

Despite the current sanitary situation, the Consone Quartet is still giving online concerts of Beethoven available on YouTube


Even though some concerts had to be cancelled, the Consone Quartet is still able to share their music with us by giving online concerts, and a lot of them are still available on YouTube!

Since September 2020 and until the end of the year, the ensemble from London is participating in the online Festival of Beethoven’s Symphonic & Chamber music, together with the Hanover Band. In fact, for the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, the Consone Quartet is taking part in a Beethoven series of four concerts.

If you missed it, here is their interpretation of Beethoven’s String Quartet Opus 18 :


We are excited to see what’s next for the Consone Quartet!

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