Call For Applications – Ambronay Academy

The Ambronay Centre culturel de rencontre is looking for musicians to participate in the 25th edition of the Ambronay Academy – Sustainable-EEEMERGING. 


The Academy is an orchestra project that brings together 20 young musicians working and playing under the direction of a renowned conductor. In 2025, violinist and conductor Amandine Beyer will lead the project, offering participants the chance to deepen their knowledge of Venetian concertante music from the early 18th century (Vivaldi, Albinoni, Dall’Abaco, Hasse). 


The Academy will be taking place from June 22 to July 20, 2025 (2 weeks of training and 2 weeks of European Tour) – (travel days June 21 and July 21). 


The Academy is free of charge for the participants: transportation, meals and accommodation will be provided. 


Auditions of the pre-selected musicians will be held remotely in November 2024. 



To join this training and professional integration program, applicants must: 
  • Be 30 years old maximum on the day the training begins
  • Have a Historically Informed practice of their instrument
  • Have completed higher studies at a national conservatory or equivalent institution 
  • Have previous experience of playing in a group. 


Here’s the list of the different profiles we need: violins, violas, cellos, double bass, bassoon, theorbo and harpsichord. 



June 22nd – July 4th, 2025: training session in Ambronay (France) and Torroella De Montgrí (Spain)
July 5th – 20th 2025: European tour 


If you want to join the Ambronay Academy Sustainable-EEEMERGING,click here to apply.

Application deadline: October 6th, 2024
The auditions will take place online on November 20th and 21st November 2024 
For any questions, please contact


The program will feature: 


Venitian Mirrors 

  • Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco (1675-1742) 

Concerto for violin & orchestra in D major, Op. 6 n°12 (13min) 

  • Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) 

Concerto for 4 violins & orchestra in B minor, RV. 580 (11min) 

Concerto for bassoon & orchestra in B flat major, RV. 503 (10min) 

  • Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751) 

Sinfonia a cinque en sol majeur, Op. 2 n°1 

  • Johann Adolph Hasse (1699-1783) 

« Sinfonia a quattro » in G minor, Op. 5 n°6 (7min) 

  • Antonio Vivaldi 

Concerto for 2 cellos & orchestra in G minor, RV. 531 (11min) 

  • Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco 

Concerto grosso in D major, Op. 5 n°6 (13min) 

  • Antonio Vivaldi 

Concerto for violin & orchestra in double choir RV. 581 (Soloist: Amandine Beyer) (13min) 


"Next summer, in July, 20 young talented musicians and I will embark on a journey to the heart of the 18th century Venetian repertoire.   
As in a game of reflections or mirrors, everything is double...  
Starting with the repertoire, which combines Vivaldi’s timeless masterpieces with lesser-played works by some of his contemporaries (Tomaso Albinoni, Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco, Johann Adolph Hasse).  
The form of the concert itself, with a constant dialogue between virtuoso solo instruments and orchestra, and even daring an original spatialization for Vivaldi’s rarely performed Concerto in double choir...  
And, last but not least, the very nature of the project, which combines pedagogy and professional integration of Europe’s most promising young talents, a project whose artistic excellence has been unquestioned for over 30 years.  
The eagerly-awaited performances will be aimed at a large audience, who will nonetheless be sensitive to the in-depth work that will take place over several weeks of musical sharing. This in-depth work will take place in two emblematic and complementary musical venues, Ambronay and Torroella de Montgri, with the same desire to create a beautiful harmony and an enchanted atmosphere"

Amandine Beyer 


Sustainable EEEMERGING 


Sustainable-EEEMERGING (S-EEE) is a European cooperative project aiming at the professional integration of young early music ensembles, with the distinctive feature of placing the sustainability at the core of the support. This program is coordinated by the Centre culturel de rencontre d’Ambronay. 


The program was launched in 2014. It was born of two main observations:
– early music is essentially European, not national, hence the need to encourage it through cooperation at European level,
– small ensembles (2 to 12 musicians), very flexible in terms of performance and repertoire, are the perfect medium for transmitting this music. 


After a first phase (EEEMERGING, 2014-2018), the program has evolved from competitive to cooperative. EEMERGING+ (2019-2023) offered tailor-made support in which innovation played a key role. With this third phase (Sustainable-EEEMERGING, 2024-2027), the program brings professional integration of young ensembles, as well as the whole early music sector, into the concept of sustainability. 


Sustainability is to be understood as a development that meets the needs  of present generations (particularly the most disadvantaged) without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 


How can you develop your career, make it last in time, design projects, organize tours, disseminate music, reduce your environmental impact? How can you be a musician and make a living from your music in a changing world, when live performance is fundamentally linked to the mobility of artists and audience? 


As a cooperative laboratory within an ecosystem of 13 European partners, including 2 partners specialized in transitions, Sustainable EEEMERGING’s ambition is to reflect on these questions and to participate in the implementation of new practices. 


The Ambronay Academy-Sustainable-EEEMERGING 


The Ambronay Academy – Sustainable-EEEMERGING is a training and professional integration program for young musicians. A school-orchestra, the Academy brings together 20 artists, most of them graduates of leading European conservatories, who work together under the direction of a renowned conductor. 


Since its creation in 1993, the Academy has always been a major step in the development of young European artists at the start of their careers. It is now part of Sustainable-EEEMERGING, a European support program for young early music ensembles, providing a unique accompaniment based on the notion of sustainability. 


In 24 editions, over 1,000 artists, instrumentalists, singers and dancers participated in the Academy, and some of the stars of the international Baroque scene have made their debut there (Stéphanie D’Oustrac, Patricia Petibon, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Thomas Dunford, Ophélie Gaillard and many others…). 




Certificat Qualiopi 

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